Studies on the Growth Requirements of Entamoeba Histolytica

Summary 1. Modified S-F media for the propagation of E. histolytica have been described. Trypticase, Tryptone, lactalbumin hydrolysate, Proteose peptone No. 3, and Casamino acids support the propagation of amebae in the new media, whereas only Trypticase could be used in the S-F medium. It is hoped that this will allow more versatility in studying the growth requirements of these amebae. 2. Supernatant fluids made with the new media contain from 20 to 70 million more viable bacteria per ml than the fluid thioglycollate supernatant fluids used to prepare the S-F medium. However, the killing rate of bacteria exposed to penicillin G, or penicillin G and amebae, appears to be greater in the new media when compared to the S-F medium. 3. It has been shown that undue oxidation of the medium before inoculation with E. histolytica has deleterious effects on the propagation of the amebae. 4. Further evidence of the ability of E. histolytica to utilize maltose without assistance from bacteria has been presented.