Impact of Glucose Tolerance Status on Development of Ischemic Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease in a General Japanese Population

Background and Purpose—Few studies have shown the association between glucose tolerance status defined by a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test and the development of different types of cardiovascular disease. Methods—A total of 2421 community-dwelling Japanese subjects aged 40 to 79 years who underwent the oral glucose tolerance test were followed up for 14 years. Results—In multivariable analysis, the risks of ischemic stroke in both sexes and coronary heart disease (CHD) in women were significantly higher in subjects with diabetes determined by the World Health Organization criteria than in those with normal glucose tolerance even after adjustment for other confounding factors, but such association was not seen for CHD in men (ischemic stroke: adjusted hazard ratio [HR]=2.54, P=0.002 in men; adjusted HR=2.02, P=0.03 in women; CHD: adjusted HR=1.26, P=0.47 in men; adjusted HR=3.46, P=0.002 in women). Similar associations were observed for fasting plasma glucose levels of ≥7.0 mmol/L (ischemic stroke: adjus...