Quantities of water sham-drunk at intervals by desiccated dogs with esophageal fistulae were proportional to the water deficit. Observations on sham-drinking after water equal to the deficit had been administered by fistula, showed that the satisfaction of thirst consisted of at least two supplementary factors: one effective in the mouth and pharynx, the other in the gastro-intestinal tract below the level of the fistula. Fistulous dogs in water balance received hyper-tonic solns. of NaCl or urea intravenously. Sham-drinking started at once after NaCl inj. After urea it started after a delay of 10 to 15 mins. Sham-drinking was greater after NaCl. After each it was self-limiting without water ingestion. Pitressin adm. caused a delay in the beginning of sham-drinking after NaCl.

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