Treatment of Ménière's Disease by Ultrasonic Irradiation

A new high-intensity ultrasonic irradiation apparatus is presented. It differs in many respects from the Italian model. The water-cooled applicator tip is interchangeable, having diameters available down to 1.5 mm and produces a well-focussed sound beam which has been studied and photographed by-means of the Schlieren method, and measured calorimetrically. The effect of ultrasound on the pigeon labyrinth has been investigated. Severe injuries to the labyrinthine epithelium and abnormal rotation reactions were found. 28 patients have been treated with good results. It appears possible to avoid damage to the facial nerve and the cochlea using a special technique of visualizing the ultrasound in the operation cavity and focussing the sound beam from the small applicator tip into the labyrinth. The effect of irradiation is followed on an electronystagmograph and dosage determined more exactly.

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