Probable intermediate mass black holes in NGC4559: XMM-Newton spectral and timing constraints

We have examined X-ray and optical observations of two ultra-luminous X-ray sources, X7 and X10 in NGC4559, using XMM-Newton, Chandra and HST. The UV/X-ray luminosity of X7 exceeds 2.1e40 erg/s in the XMM-Newton observation, and that of X10 is >1.3e40 erg/s. X7 has both thermal and power-law spectral components. The characteristic temperature of the thermal component is 0.12 keV. The power-law components in the two sources both have slopes with photon index \~2.1. A timing analysis of X7 indicates a break frequency at 28 mHz in the power spectrum, while that for X10 is consistent with an unbroken power law. The luminosity of the blackbody component in the X-ray spectrum of X7 and the nature of its time variability provides evidence that this object is an intermediate mass black hole accreting at sub-Eddington rates, but other scenarios which require high advection efficiencies from a hollowed-out disk might be possible. The emission from X10 can be characterised by a single power-law. This source can be interpreted either as an intermediate mass black hole, or as a stellar-mass black hole with relativistically-beamed Comptonised emission. There are four optical counterparts in the error circle of X7. No counterparts are evident in the error circle for X10.

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