Drug Disposition in Cystic Fibrosis

There are many pathological changes in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) which can lead to alterations in drug disposition. Although, in patients with CF, the extent of drug absorption varies widely and the rate of absorption is slower, bioavailability is not altered. Plasma protein binding for the majority of drugs studied did not differ in patients with CF compared with control groups. The difference in volume of distribution of most drugs between patients with CF and healthy individuals vanished when corrected for lean body mass. Despite hepatic dysfunction, patients with CF have enhanced clearance of many, but not all, drugs. Phase I mixed-function oxidases are selectively affected: cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 and CYP2C8 have enhanced activity, while other CYP isoforms such as CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 are unaffected. Increased phase II activities are also demonstrated: glucuronyl transferase, acetyl transferase (NAT1) and sulfotransferase. The increased hepatic clearance of drugs in the presence of CF may be the consequence of disease-specific changes in both enzyme activity and/or drug transport within the liver. The renal clearance (CLr) of many drugs in patients with CF is enhanced although there has been no pathological abnormality identified which could explain this finding: glomerular filtration rate and tubular secretion appear normal in patients with CF. The precise mechanisms for enhanced drug clearance in patients with CF remain to be elucidated. The optimisation of antibiotic therapy in patients with CF includes increasing the dose of β-lactams by 20 to 30% and monitoring plasma concentrations of aminoglycosides. The appropriate dosage of quinolones has not been definitively established.