Mesozoic Radiolaria from cherts in the Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand

A recently published hydrofluoric acid digestion technique for the extraction of Radiolaria from cherts has been applied to several Torlesse Supergroup samples from the Te Kaha and Waioeka Gorge areas of the Raukumara Peninsula. Two of the digested samples yielded identifiable Radiolaria, representing at least 12 taxa, and including the species ?Spongosaturnalis diplocyclis Yao and Orbiculiforma quadrata Pessagno. Many of the illustrated forms have not previously been described. Because of the absence of any previous work on New Zealand Mesozoic Radiolaria, the likelihood of variation between time-ranges determined overseas and those applying in New Zealand, and the presence of numerous undescribed local forms, faunas are as yet of limited stratigraphic value. However, Radiolaria are potentially very useful for stratigraphic correlation in otherwise unfossiliferous or poorly fossiliferous sequences.