hpaR, a PutativemarRFamily Transcriptional Regulator, Is Positively Controlled by HrpG and HrpX and Involved in the Pathogenesis, Hypersensitive Response, and Extracellular Protease Production ofXanthomonas campestrisPathovar campestris

The MarR family of transcriptional regulators of bacteria are involved in the regulation of many cellular processes, including pathogenesis. In this work, we have demonstrated genetically thathpaR(hpa,hrpassociated), which encodes a putative MarR family regulator, is involved in the hypersensitive response (HR), pathogenicity, and extracellular protease production of the phytopathogenic bacteriumXanthomonas campestrispathovar campestris. A mutation inhpaRresulted in complete loss of virulence in the host plant cabbage, a delayed and weakened HR in the nonhost plant pepper ECW-10R, and an increase in extracellular protease production. Detection of the β-glucuronidase activity of a plasmid-drivenhpaRpromoter-gusAreporter revealed that the expression ofhpaRis positively controlled by HrpG and HrpX and is suppressed in rich medium while being strongly induced in minimal andhrp-inducing media and inside the host. These findings indicate thathpaRbelongs to thehrpGandhrpXregulon and that HrpX regulates the extracellular protease production viahpaRinX. campestrispv. campestris.