Electro-fusion of mesophyll protoplasts ofAvena sativa

In order to assay the viability of electrically fused mesophyll protoplasts ofAvena sativa a technique was developed to determine adenylate levels in single protoplasts and fusion products. The results demonstrate that the intracellular ATP/ADP ratios are identical before and after fusion (values between 1.4 and 1.8) and that the time of the rounding up process is directly related to the ATP level of the hybrid. This was shown by the manipulation of the intracellular ATP/ADP ratio in the light using different effectors. Hybrids with an ATP/ADP ratio of 2.3 needed 54 s to round up completely; in the presence of antimycin (inhibition of both oxidative and light-dependent cyclic electron flow: ATP/ADP=1.1) or dibromothymoquinone (plastoquinone antagonist: ATP/ADP=1.0) the time for rounding up was slightly increased (64 s and 76 s respectively), whereas after preincubation with antimycin, dichlorophenyldimethylurea (inhibition of oxidative and light-dependent electron flow) or uncouplers (ATP/ADP=0.19–0.32) this process needed 128–153s for completion. These results are discussed in relation to the viability of electrically induced fusion products and to energy-dependent events involved in the process of fusion.