The material described and discussed in the present paper originates from a deep borehole near Slagelse on western Sealand. Quartzitic beds, probably belonging to the Mobergella holsti zone, are followed by silty shale with Lower Cambrian fossils. The fauna is represented by the following genera and species: Parahyolithes danicus n.g. et n.sp., Kjerulfia selandica n.sp., Holmia kjerulfi (Linnarsson)?, Ellipsostrenua conifrons n.sp., Torellella holmi Kiær, Torellella laevigata (Linnarsson), and indeterminable fragments of olenellid trilobites. The fossiliferous silty shale is referred to the Holmia kjerulfi zone. Finally, the eventual palaeogeographic significance of the material is discussed.