A description is given of the fauna of a small pond of about an acre in size and its inflowing stream, at an elevation of approx. 1000 ft. above sea-level. The pH was usually 6.8 in the pond and up to 7 in the stream; the Ca content was 6.2-6.46 mg./l.; and the O2 supply varied from 6.4 mg./l. in July to 14.1 in Dec. The bottom varied from stony to muddy. The vegetation consisted of 4 more or less distinct areas of Equisetum limosum, Potamogeton natans, Scirpus palustris, and Sparganium minimum. At least 98 spp. of animals were taken and these are described as to their relative abundance and occurrence in different communities. The animals were collected by means of a hand net, a dredge, and a special quantitative sampler covering a space 15 X 15 in. square.