Proton Movements Coupled to Sugar Transport via the Galactose Transport System in Salmonella typhimurium

We have studied proton movements associated with substrate transport via the galactose transport system in Salmonella typhimurium. The addition of galactose to lightly buffered suspensions of anaerobic, non-metabolizing cells of Salmonella typhimurium, specifically induced for the galactose transport system, causes an increase in extracellularpH as galactose and protons enter the cell together. Other substrates for this transport system, D-fucose, 2-deoxygalactose, glucose and 2-deoxyglucose similarly cause an influx of protons when transported. In contrast, transport via the other major transport system for galactose, the methylgalactoside transport system, is not coupled to H+ influx. Comparison of kinetic data obtained from pH measurements with data obtained from measurement of active transport of galactose via the galactose transport system suggests that the apparent Km of the galactose transport system for this sugar differs under energized and non-energized conditions. At pH 7.2 the permeant anion SCN- increases both the rate and extent of galactose-induced proton influx; at pH 6 the rate, but not the extent is increased by SCN-.