Modell zur Berechnung von Kapazitäten bei Bleiakkumulatoren mit festgelegtem Elektrolyten

The discharge capacity of a lead‐acid accumulator with immobilized electrolyte is essentially limited by depletion of sulfuric acid in the porous positive electrode. A rather simple macrohomogeneous, one‐dimensional model including consumption, migration and diffusion of sulfuric acid is used to predict discharge capacities as a function of cell parameters, temperature and discharge current density. Calculated capacities agree satisfactorily with experimental data if the final voltage is approximately 350 mV lower than the initial voltage. In addition to these numerical calculations a simple analytical function to approximate discharge capacities is given. The capacity calculations can be completed by another analytical function that gives an estimate of the change of capacity when a different final voltage is applied. The model calculations facilitate the development of new lead‐acid cells designed for special requirements.

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