Book reviews

Agrarian Reform and Peasant Revolution in Spain: Origins of the Civil War by Edward E. Malefakis. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1970. Pp. 469. $15.00 and £6.75. The Mourides of Senegal: The Political and Economic Organization of an Islamic Brotherhood by D. B. Cruise O'Brien. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. Pp. xxii+321, index. £4.00. Kalahari Village Politics: An African Democracy by Adam Kuper. London: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Pp. 191. £3.50. Urban‐Rural Relations in Israel: Social and Economic Aspects by Alexander Berler et al. Rehovot: Settlement Study Center, Publications on Regional Development no. 8, 1970. Pp. xiv, 180. n. p. Iran Faces the Seventies edited by Ehsan Yar‐Shater. London: Pall Mall Press, 1972. Pp. xx+391, index. £5.25. The Growth Potential of the Japanese Economy by Kenneth K. Kurihara. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. Pp. x 148. £3.60. The Labor Economies of Japan and the United States by Robert Evans Jr. New York and London: Praeger Publishers, 1971. Pp. xix, 276; £7.75. The Economy of Indonesia: Selected Readings edited by Bruce Glassburner. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1971. Pp. xii, 443; £7.15. Foreign Capital and Economic Underdevelopment in Jamaica by N. Girvan. Jamaica: University of the West Indies, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1971. Pp. xviii+282. Transport and National Goals edited by Edwin T. Haefele. Washington: D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1969. Pp. 193. $6.00. Income Distribution Theory by Martin Bronfenbrenner. London: Macmillan, 1971. Pp. 504: £7.50. International Economics by Bo Sodersten. London: Macmillan, 1971. Pp. 576. £5.50 (cloth), £2.90 (paper).

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