Application of WAIS-R Short Forms to Persons 75 Years of Age and Older

Six WAIS-R short forms were compared in a sample of 225 normal and 39 neurologically impaired persons 75 years of age and older. The short forms included Silverstein's (1982) two- and four-subtest short forms, Reynolds, Willson, and Clark's (1983) abbreviated form, and Kaufman's (1990) two-, three-, and four-subtest short forms. Results revealed large validity coefficients (r 2 .85) and, with one exception, similar average IQs between the abbreviated forms and the Full Scale for both the normal and neurological samples. However, Silverstein's tetrad tended to overestimate the Full Scale IQ for the neurological sample. Correct classification of IQ level was consistent with previous research. Although Kaufman's dyad and triad were not as clinically useful as the other abbreviated forms, his tetrad generally performed better than the other short forms.