Ketoconazole activates Cl- conductance and blocks Cl- and fluid absorption by cultured cystic fibrosis (CFPAC-1) cells.

The role of arachidonic acid metabolites in the regulation of apical cell membrane Cl- conductance and transepithelial transport of fluid and Cl- by cultured pancreatic cells from cystic fibrosis (CFPAC-1) and corrected (PAC-1) cell lines was evaluated by the use of inhibitors. CFPAC-1 cells did not exhibit an apical membrane Cl- conductance, absorbed Cl- and fluid, and did not respond to stimulation or inhibition of cAMP action. PAC-1 cells exhibited a cAMP-responsive apical Cl- conductance, which was blocked by indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor. Ketoconazole, an epoxygenase inhibitor, had virtually no effects on PAC-1 cell Cl- conductance but caused CFPAC-1 cells to develop a cAMP-insensitive Cl- conductance, blocked Cl- and fluid absorption, and reduced transepithelial electrical resistance. Ketoconazole treatment effectively reversed the cystic fibrosis defect in these cultured cells.