In vivo length and shortening of canine diaphragm with body postural change

Using sonomicrometry, we measured the in vivo tidal shortening and velocity of shortening of the costal and crural segments of the diaphragm in the anesthetized dog in the supine, upright, tailup, prone, and lateral decubitus postures. When compared with the supine position, end-expiratory diaphragmatic length varied by less than 11% in all postures, except the upright. During spontaneous breathing, the tidal shortening and the velocity of shortening of the crural segment exceeded that of the costal segment in all postures except the upright and was maximal for both segments in the prone posture. We noted the phasic integrated electromyogram to increase as the end-expiratory length of the diaphragm shortened below and to decrease as the diaphragm lengthened above its optimal length. This study shows that the costal and crural segments have a different quantitative behavior with body posture and both segments show a compensation in neural drive to changes in resting length.

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