Antigenic, morphologic, and molecular characterization of new Ehrlichia risticii isolates

Ehrlichia risticii causes an acute infectious disease in horses called Potomac horse fever. To investigate the biological diversity of E. risticii organisms, nine E. risticii isolates derived from the peripheral blood monocytes of clinically sick horses in Ohio and Kentucky during the summers of 1991 and 1993 were compared with Illinois and Virginia isolates originally obtained from horses in Maryland in 1984. Seven of the nine isolates (081, 606, 380, 679, As, Co, and Ov) formed large morulae (tightly packed inclusions of ehrlichial organisms). The remaining isolates, including 1984 isolates, were individually dispersed or formed small morulae in the cytoplasm of P388D1 cells. In Western blot (immunoblot) analysis with four equine and one rabbit polyclonal anti-E. risticii sera, these recent E. risticii isolates showed patterns of antigenic proteins distinct from those of the 1984 isolates and could be divided into three groups: (i) 081; (ii) 606, 022, 067, 380, and 679; and (iii) As, Co, and Ov. By indirect fluorescent antibody labeling with two panels of murine anti-E. risticii (Illinois and Maryland isolates) monoclonal antibodies, isolate 081 was not labeled with any of 20 monoclonal antibodies tested. The remaining isolates were not labeled with several monoclonal antibodies. The digestion pattern with one of the restriction enzymes, AvaII, of the PCR-amplified partial 16S rRNA gene of E. risticii from all Kentucky isolates (As, Co, and Ov) was different from that of Illinois, Virginia, and six Ohio isolates. These results indicate the presence of distinct variants of E. risticii which vary significantly in morphology, antigenic composition, and the base sequence of the 16S rRNA gene.