Two-Dimensional Separation Method for Analysis of Bacillus subtilis Metabolites via Hyphenation of Micro-Liquid Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis

A novel two-dimensional separation method, which hyphenated chromatography and electrophoresis, was developed for analysis of Bacillus subtilis metabolites. Micro-liquid chromatography (LC) with a monolithic silica-ODS column was used as the first dimension, from which the effluent fractions were further analyzed by capillary electrophoresis (CE) acting as the second dimension. Concentration strategies, namely, dynamic pH junction and sweeping, were selectively employed to interface the two dimensions, which proved to be beneficial for the detection of metabolites. For system evaluation, an artificial sample containing 54 standard metabolites was separated according to their hydrophobicity by micro-LC with gradient mode. The early-eluting fractions were separated by capillary zone electrophoresis in combination with dynamic pH junction, while the late-eluting fractions were separated by sweeping micellar electrokinetic chromatography. The middle fractions were analyzed by both modes of CE. Under the optimum conditions, all the components in the artificial sample could be well resolved. The method was applied to profile B. subtilis metabolites. Some crucial metabolites were identified. This method provided great potential for resolving complex biological samples containing compounds having different characteristics.