An observational method for undertaking user needs studies

The study of information needs has long been acknowledged as one of the most important factors in the design of information services but has been ham pered by the severe problem of designing user studies that will reliably measure them. Reviews the literature of previous research in this field, con cluding that time and money are the chief constraints on information seek ing behaviour. Describes a new observational technique for identifying the information needs of users and reports results of a small scale experiment to test the methodology. The observational technique involves the researcher being with the subject continuously throughout the day and observing their actions. The behaviour recorded was any action taken in order to answer a question. A small scale study was undertaken of 3 academics from the Psychology Department, University of Strathclyde, using the observational technique. The preferred technique of all the academics was to carry out their own research, followed by consultation with other individuals. One lec turer was a significantly heavier user of electronic media than the other two. The preferred physical locations of the information sources were personal col lections and the University Library. A follow up questionnaire survey exam ined the possibility that previous training in the use of the library could explain the differences in the use of electronic information sources but results were found to be negative. Concludes that the new research tool developed for this type of study is both robust and likely to yield reliable information about user information needs.