Nielsen, J. (Cytogenetic Laboratory, Aarhus Psychiatric Hospital, Risskov, Denmark). What more can be done for girls and women with Turner's syndrome and their parents? Acta Paediatr Scand [Suppl] 356: 93, 1989. More should be done for Turner's girls/women and their parents. There is a need for early diagnosis, provision of information to Turner's parents, girls and women, provision of a support system in the form of Turner's contact groups, relevant treatment of all Turner's related disorders and problems at the appropriate age. More information is needed, including information given by physicians and Turner's women in journals, radio and television. This has been happening in Denmark during recent years. Turner's contact groups should be available in all countries, and all Turner's girls and women and their parents should be encouraged to join such groups. More research should be undertaken concerning growth, growth stimulating treatment, oestrogen treatment and in vitro fertilization in Turner's syndrome; more social‐psychological studies are also needed.