Inclusive D0 and D+ Production in e+e Annihilation at 29 GeV

We have observed inclusive production of D0 and D+ mesons, and their charge conjugates, in e+e annihilation at 29 GeV on the basis of a data sample of 106 pb1. These signals correspond to R values of R(D0+D0)=1.8±0.5 and R(D++D)=1.2±0.4. Taking the D+ and D0 data together, we measure a charge asymmetry of A=0.08±0.12 for charmed quarks. A comparison of R(D+D) with R(D*+D*) obtained via the process D*+D0π+ gives a DD* ratio of 1.00.2+0.3, indicating that direct D* production dominates over direct D production.