Chronic Effects of Hypothalamic Injury

ALTHOUGH the manifestations of destruction of various regions of the hypothalamus have been extensively studied in experimental animals, the opportunity for careful study of such lesions in humans is rare. The following is a case of a child with a suprasellar craniopharyngioma in whom the total removal of the tumor was accomplished without directly injuring the pituitary gland but with considerable damage to the hypothalamus. She was subsequently followed for a period of six years, and her eventual death permitted confirmation of the type and extent of the lesion. Report of a Case A 5-year-old white girl was initially admitted to UCLA Hospital in October 1958. Her growth and development had been normal, and she was in excellent health until six weeks prior to admission when she began to complain of occasional headaches. During the ten days immediiately prior to admission the headaches became progressively more severe, and she