Dentin Matrix Gelatin (DMG) as a Possible “Universal” Grafting Material in Periodontics

The ideal of periodontal surgery is the total regeneration of the lost periodontal complex. A promising new osseous grafting material is Dental Matrix Gelatin (DMG). DMG was prepared by a method similar to that of Conover and Urist (1979). This consisted of sequential extraction in 1:1 chloroform-methanol, 25°C for 1 hour; 0.6 N HCl, 2°C for 24 hours with constant agitation; 2 M CaCl2, 2°C for 1 hour; 0.5 M EDTA pH 7.4, 2°C for 1 hour; washed in distilled water 1 hour. Twelve rats were anesthetized, had heads shaved, midline flaps reflected, and 2 mm holes drilled through the right and left parietal bones. This type of osseous defect normally heals only by fibrous scarring and has been used to define osteoinductive materials. The DMG was cut into pieces about 1 mm square and placed into the right side defect while the left side remained open as a control. The animals were sacrificed on a schedule of two rats every 2 weeks until the 10th week when four rats were killed. The results showed complete osseous closure of the DMG site while the control healed by fibrous scarring. DMG seems to have strong osteoinductive power, and used allogenically has great potential as a commercially viable implant material.