It is shown that an approximate application of Wheeler's method of resonating groups to the nuclei, H3 and He5, makes it possible to evaluate the magnitude of different contributions to the total energy. The energy expressions are separated into terms representing the internal energy of a favorable sub-group, the kinetic energy of a particle outside the sub-group, and its "ordinary" and "velocity dependent" interaction with the sub-group. For H3 the sub-group is the deuteron and for He5 the α-particle. The results indicate considerable polarization of the deuteron and little polarization of the α-particle. The total energies found were E(H3)=6.58 mMU and E(He5)=19.51 mMU (for the most reasonable value of one parameter since no true minimum was found for He5). These results are compared with those of other methods. The current two-body exchange forces were used (see Table I). The approximate method is quick and easy to handle. Application of the complete resonating group method to H3, however, proved to be very laborious and difficult to make accurate. By this procedure E(H3) came out -6.68 mMU. The smallness of the improvement over the approximate method is attributed to the fact that the complete method does not take polarization into account. The calculated ground state energy for He3 was -5.88 mMU by the approximate method and -5.94 mMU by the complete method. No bound excited state was found.