Circadian clock control of the eclosion rhythm of the brown blowfly,Calliphora stygia(Diptera: Calliphoridae)

In natural conditions the adults of the brown blowfly, Calliphora stygia (Fabricius) emerge from puparia around dawn. In laboratory experiments, under artificial light cycles of 12 h light and 12 h dark (LD 12:12), eclosion occurs at the dark to light transition. The timing of eclosion is controlled by an endogenous circadian clock with a free-running period of 24.4 h at 20°C in constant darkness (DD). The clock is predominantly sensitive to light in the larval stage, but it is sensitive to temperature in both the larval and pupal stages. The adaptive significance of the eclosion rhythm is discussed together with hypotheses concerning the functioning of the eclosion clock during development.