Anisotropic Intermolecular Force Effects in Spectra of H2– and D2–Rare-Gas Complexes

Spectra of H2–Ar, H2–Kr, and H2–Xe Van der Waals complexes, accompanying the Q1(0), S1(0), Q1(1) , and S1(1) transitions of the pressure‐induced fundamental absorption band of hydrogen, have been studied in a path length of 165 m at temperatures in the range 85–158°K. At the low total gas densities used, 1–2 amagat, the lifetimes of the complexes were sufficiently long to show a great deal of new detail in the spectra. The R and P branches (δl = ± 1 , where l is the angular momentum of the complex) accompanying the overlap‐induced Q1(0) transitions, could be analyzed on a nonrigid rotation model to give Lennard‐Jones ε and Σ parameters for the molecular pairs. The spectra accompanying the quadrupole‐induced S1(0), Q1(1) , and S1(1) transitions show T and N (δl = ± 3) as well as P and R branches, and many of the lines are split by the anisotropy of the intermolecular forces. The splitting is qualitatively in agreement with a model with loose coupling between J, the angular momentum of the H2 molecule, and 1. Well‐resolved spectra of D2–Ar, D2–Kr, and D2–Xe complexes accompanying the S1(0) transition of deuterium were also obtained; these show more bound states than the H2–rare‐gas spectra and anisotropic interaction effects are evident. The H2–N2 complex shows a spectrum with a diffuse structure not previously observed.