Growth and characterization of Al–Cu–Li quasicrystals

The alloy system Al–Li–Cu was investigated extensively over the composition range 5.8–8 Al–Cu–3Li to develop a detailed understanding of the formation and properties of the icosahedral phase, known as T2. Material from the various charges was analyzed by optical and electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, differential thermal analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry. The role of the melt composition and the solidification velocity were found to be crucial in determining the micro- and macrostructure and the existence of the icosahedral phase. A pseudobinary phase diagram for the region around Al6CuLi3, is presented based on these analyses. Based on this phase diagram the largest single icosahedral crystals of Al5.1CuLi3 yet reported, with diameters greater than 1 cm, were produced by Bridgman methods.