Current literature records the following reactions to sulfanilamide: agranulocytosis,1acute hemolytic anemia,2cyanosis,3purpuric and scarlatiniform eruptions,4exfoliative dermatitis,5toxic dermatosis,6photosensitization of the skin,7fever,8sulfhemoglobinemia,9methemoglobinemia,9optic neuritis,10precipitation of a psychosis11and the inhibitory action on spermatogenesis.12The following report is offered as a probable case of intoxication from the therapeutic use of sulfanilamide: REPORT OF CASE J. D., a Negro steel construction worker aged 42, was admitted to the neurologic service of Dr. A. M. Ornsteen at the Philadelphia General Hospital Feb. 11, 1938, because of weakness in the hips and legs since January 1. The past medical history was essentially irrelevant. A recently remarried widower, he had one healthy son by his first wife. He stated that he did not use alcohol in any form. With the exception of gonorrhea in June