A general formulation is obtained representing the constitutive equations for a plasma‐like medium. These equations are of the type P=αeeE+αemB; M=αmeE+αmmB, where E is the electric intensity, B is the magnetic induction, P and M represent the electric and magnetic polarizations, respectively, and αee, αem, αme, and αmm are appropriate macroscopic parameters characterizing the medium. These equations differ from the constitutive equations for a molecular medium since in the latter case one has P=χeE and M=ξmB, where χe is the electric susceptibility and ξm is the ``proper magnetic susceptibility.'' A formulation is given for the constitutive parameters for two particular cases: (a) when the plasma‐like medium is represented by a charge‐equilibrated uniform electron beam of infinite width and (b) when the plasma‐like medium is represented by a charge‐equilibrated electron gas characterized by an isotropic velocity distribution f(v).

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