The State of School Heart Health Education: A Review of the Literature

The evidence and presence of modifiable risk factors asso ciated with heart disease has heightened interest among health educators in developing prevention oriented programs. In an attempt to assist in planning future curriculum efforts and research in this area a literature re view was conducted. It is presented and organized within the following three major categories: 1. incidence of cardiovascular risk factors (in the school age population); 2. need for health education (the status of adoles cent health and problems of motivation); and 3. evaluations of current heart projects (knowledge, attitudes and behavioral outcomes). A few clas sic articles were included: the primary literature reviewed was that of the past 10 years. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. there is a need to be concerned about the cardiovascular health of young people; 2. the need for educational programs about proven methods of prevention is well documented; 3. studies have found that adolescents do not have suf ficient knowledge upon which to make healthful decisions related to pre venting cardiovascular disease; 4. research has demonstrated that well de signed programs can be effective in increasing health knowledge and pro moting positive attitudes; 5. some programs have encouraged behavioral change; 6. most programs ha ve proven too expensive to become integral components of the curricula; and 7. further educational research must be conducted so that health education might by the end of this decade play a significant role in the reduction of the morbidity and mortality inflicted by cardiovascular disease.