Laryngeal lymphoscintigraphy

A method of studying lymphatic drainage of the larynx was undertaken using radioactive colloids. Sites of injection were the true and false cords, aryepiglottic folds, anterior and posterior commissure, epiglottis and arytenoid. The patient was then scanned with the gamma camera 3 to 5 hours and again 24 hours post injection. Thirty-six patients were injected and results were recorded as to previous X-ray therapy, nodal activity post scanning, ipsilateral or contralateral and distant spread, and the type of radioactive particle--99mTc labeled sulfur colloid, 99mTc microalbumin (200-800 nm diameter), and 99mTc minimicroalbumin (less than 50 nm diameter). The three radiopharmaceuticals gave similar results. Previous X-ray therapy did not alter lymphatic drainage. Of 36 patients, 23 showed nodal activity on scintiscanning: none showed any axillary nor mediastinal activity.