Dermatitis Due to Phenolphthalein. Presented by Dr. Joseph Grindon. A young man, first seen about three weeks previous to presentation presented some dry, brownish patches next to the mouth and on the chin. There were also similar darker patches on the back of the neck and near the right elbow. There were a few pink patches on the left forearm that had developed more recently. When the patient was presented, these patches had faded, except those near the right elbow. The itching had ceased. The patient had been using "Feen-a-mint" occasionally for one year until three weeks previous to presentation. DISCUSSION Dr. S. T. Millard, Topeka, Kan.: Did the young man say that the itching had been very intense? Dr. J. Grindon: Yes, sometimes there was severe itching that he attributed to "hives." Neurotic Dermatitis. Presented by Dr. E. E. Brown. A woman, aged 36, a housewife, complained of severe