The relative integrated intensities of five high-order reflections for V, Ni, Cu, Nb and Ag powders have been measured at 300 K and 4 K by MoKα radiation. The data were corrected for thermal diffuse scattering. At room temperatures the values 372 ± 6, 417 ± 12, 307 ± 3, 284 ± 6 and 200 ± 3 K were obtained for the Debye Temperatures. At absolute zero the Debye-Waller coefficients were found to be 0·152 ± 0·006, 0·117 ± 0·005, 0·147 ± 0·005, 0·109 ± 0·004 and 0·133 ± 0·004 Å2, respectively.