Effect of Genotype and Cold Stress on Incidence of Ascites in Cockerels

This study investigated the effect of genotype and cold stress on the incidence of ascites. Data from 600 cockerels representing two male lines and the cross between them were collected when birds were between 2 and 7 wk of age. Data included packed cell volume (PCV), the ratio of right to total ventricle weight (ratio), shank length (SL), keel length (KL), body weight (BWT), and ascites. Genotypic differences (P < .05) appeared for all traits except three- and four- week BWT, three-, four-, and six-week SL, four to seven-week PCV, and ratio. Genotype x treatment interactions were significant only for five-week PCV and six-week BWT. Treatment means for the incidence of ascites were 21.7% for cold stress birds and 6.4% for control birds. The objective of this study was to use cold stress and genetics to reproduce and study this syndrome under experimental conditions.