Volume dependence of the Knight shift in lithium

This work is to confirm a significant discrepancy between the calculated volume dependence of |ψ(0)|2 in Li metal and the corresponding quantity deduced from experimental results using a simple equation for the Knight shift, K=(8π3)χPΩ|ψ(0)|2. Here |ψ(0)|2PF is the amplitude of the conduction-electron wave function averaged over the Fermi surface. χP and Ω are the Pauli susceptibility and the atomic volume, respectively. The experimental determination of |ψ(0)|2 was obtained from an old measurement of K [G. B. Benedek and T. Kushida, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 5, 241 (1958)] and a recent measurement for χP [Toshimoto Kushida, J. C. Murphy, and M. Hanabusa, Phys. Rev. B 13, 5136 (1976)]. Both quantities K and χP were measured as a function of volume. It was felt important to repeat the old Knight-shift experiment, since the experiment requires an accurate resonance-frequency measurement (≃one part in 107), which was marginal 20 years ago, and a resolution of the discrepancy is essential to the understanding of the electronic structure of a simple metal. The present measurement is one order of magnitude more accurate and indicates a small systematic error in the previous data. The conclusion is, however, essentially unchanged; an electron polarization enhancement seen by the Li nucleus in Li metal is almost independent of the volume change, contrary to an intuitive model which predicts dlnPFdlnV=1. Recent calculations show that the core-polarization effect PFcp is important for Li and that PFcp has a large volume dependence. The Knight-shift equation should be modified to K=(8π3)χPΩ(PF+PFcp). The volume dependence of PF is almost canceled by that of the PFcp.