Two-stage feature of Hartmann-Hahn cross relaxation in magic-angle sample spinning

In magic-angle sample-spinning experiments the Hartmann-Hahn cross relaxation between protonated C13 and protons usually proceeds in two stages, except in fast internal rotating CH313. The protonated C13 magnetization of powder samples changes very rapidly during the first tens of microseconds due to the fast energy exchange between each protonated C13 and its directly bonded H1 spins; then it approaches at a much slower rate to a quasiequilibrium value via the energy exchange between these C13Hn subsystems and the remaining H1 spins. This fact means that the whole H1 spin system is not in a quasiequilibrium state and is not describable by a single spin temperature at least during the first stage of the cross relaxation. The two-stage feature has been obviously revealed by the depolarization experiment for C13 magnetization. The expression for protonated C13 magnetization as a function of depolarization time has been deduced, which reaches agreement with the experiments semiquantitatively. The depolarization experiment offers a reliable approach to distinguishing between C13H and CH213 signals in organic solids.