DNA‐DNA hybridization incompatibility of Campylobacter pylori with other Campylobacter and Wolinella species

DNA‐DNA hybridization in solution was used to characterize 23 human isolates of Campylobacter pylori. The 23 isolates showed DNA affinity with the type strain (NCTC 11637). The relative binding ratios varied between 0.83 and 1. Type strains of C. coli (NCTC 11366), C. jejuni (NCTC 11351), C. laridis (NCTC 11352), C. sputorum subsp. sputorum (ATCC 35980), Wolinella recta (NCTC 11489) and W. succinogenes (ATCC 29543) showed relative binding ratios less than 0.01 compared to the C. pylori type strain. The results suggest that C. pylori is a homogenous taxonomic unit distinctly separated from these other species.