Measurement ofgJ(Rb87)gJ(K39)by spin-exchange optical pumping

The method of spin-exchange optical pumping has been used to measure the ratio gJ(Rb87)gJ(K39) for the alkalis in their S122 ground states. Zeeman hyperfine splittings of the atomic ground states were produced in a magnetic field of 43 G, and the rf transition frequencies between the states were measured. A best fit of the data was then made using the Breit-Rabi expression for the energy levels, and constants were adjusted for best fit. Possible systematic effects of pumping light, buffer pressure, etc., were considered in obtaining the final result gJ(Rb87)gJ(K39)=1.00001845(7). The K39 gI and the gJ and gIgJ ratios of the rubidium isotopes obtained in check runs were in good agreement with published high-precision data.