A Case of Recurrent Intramural Uterine Stromal Tumor with Epithelial Differentiation Effectively Treated with Oral Low‐Dose Administration of Etoposide

A 66‐year‐old woman was diagnosed as having myoma of the uterus and total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo‐oophorectomy was performed. The histopathological findings were puzzling, and the case was finally diagnosed as intramural uterine stromal tumor with epithelial differentiation. Three years after the operation, a firm tumor developed in the pelvic cavity. Laparotomy failed to remove the tumor and neither CAP (cyclophosphamide 500 mg, adriamycin 50 mg, CDDP 70 mg) therapy nor radiation therapy was effective. Oral administration of etoposide (25 mg/day), however, showed PR (50% decrease) as determined by CT scanning, and ultrasonography, and no me‐tastatic lesions were found.This tumor was coincident with the endometrial stromal tumor with epithelial elements classified by Clement and Scully. The histological feature of the tumors and the efficacy of oral etoposide therapy are discussed in this study.