Schwermetalle in höheren Pilzen Cadmium, Zink und Kupfer Heavy Metals in Higher Fungi Cadmium, Zinc, and Copper

In a series of 190 samples, higher fungi, especially from the genus Agaricus, were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy on their content of the trace metals cadmium, zinc, and copper. Cd was found to be present in high concentrations in some Agaricus species belonging to special taxonomic groups. In relation to soil concentrations, Cd is highly enriched in some Agaricus spec., the enrichment being a taxonomic criterion of special value. Among the remaining genera of higher fungi, only Leucoagaricus and Amanita showed similiar enrichment properties for cadmium. The chemically related metals Zn and Cu were found to be relative uniformely distributed in all analyzed fungi. No synergistic or antagonistic relationship between Cd and the other two metals could be detected in the mushrooms.

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