The microwave Rio—Hortega technique: A 24 hour method

Application of microwaves in histochemistry and cytochemistry generally speeds up the technique. Microwaves stimulate diffusion into the tissue and influence the proteins and membrane of the cell. Silver impregnation techniques for the brain, such as the fast Rio—Hortega or the slow Golgi—Cox technique, normally require a minimum time period of 7 days and 20 days respectively. Using microwaves, the Rio—Hortega technique can be completed within 24 h. In sections prepared from mature brains, good silver impregnation of cell bodies, of axons and their terminals, and of dendrites and their spines are obtained. An explanation is given as to why the method cannot be further reduced in time. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the application of microwave irradiation for colouring pieces of tissue.