The projection of forelimb nerves innervating the paw to the cuneate nucleus was studied in the cat by the transganglionic transport method. Exposure of a single digital nerve to the tracer (a conjugate of horseradish peroxidase to wheat‐germ agglutinin) resulted in a longitudinal sequence of labeled patches throughout the extent of the nucleus. In the middle region the labeled patches coincided with the location of the cell clusters that are characteristic of this part of the nucleus. A very precise somatotopic termination pattern was found in the middle region of the nucleus. Afferent fibers from the palm were represented superficially close to the dorsal rim. The digits were represented in a mediolateral sequence, with the first digit in the dorsolateral part of the nucleus and the fifth digit in the dorsomedial part. The ventral surfaces of the digits were represented superficial to the dorsal surfaces. The dorsum of the paw was represented close to the center of the nucleus. A similar somatotopic organization, but much less detailed, was found in the rostral and caudal regions of the cuneate nucleus. These dissimilarities in somatotopic detail between the different cytoarchitectonic regions of the cuneate nucleus probably reflect differences in function between these regions.