Generalized equations for predicting body density of men

1. Skinfold thickness, body circumferences and body density were measured in samples of 308 and ninety-five adult men ranging in age from 18 to 61 years.2. Using the sample of 308 men, multiple regression equations were calculated to estimate body density using either the quadratic or log form of the sum of skinfolds, in combination with age, waist and forearm circumference.3. The multiple correlations for the equations exceeded 0.90 with standard errors of approximately ±0.0073 g/ml.4. The regression equations were cross validated on the second sample of ninety-five men. The correlations between predicted and laboratory-determined body density exceeded 0.90 with standard errors of approximately 0.0077 g/ml.5. The regression equations were shown to be valid for adult men varying in age and fatness.