Comparative Effects of Endotoxin and Gelatin on Reticuloendothelial Activity.

Colloidal carbon ink (C11/1431a) and various commerical gelatin preparations were pyrogenic in rabbits. Cross-tolerance studies indicated the existence of endotoxin in pyrogenic gelatins. Three of 7 gelatin preparations depressed carbon phagocytosis in rats when administered 30 minutes prior to the clearance test; however, no significant correlation existed between gelatin pyrogenicity and depression of phagocytosis. All 3 RE inter-acting gelatins had alkaline iso-electric ranges. Gelatin pretreatment depressed a subsequent carbon clearance while endotoxin induced a marked but delayed increase in carbon phagocytosis. Chronic injections of endotoxin markedly stimulated the RES as reflected in enhanced phagocytosis and splenomegaly; in contrast, chronic gelatin administration produced no such effects. It appears that the influence of gelatin on the RES is not mediated solely by a pyrogenic endotoxin contaminant.