Oligophenyl-based organic thin film transistors

Organic thin film transistors(TFTs) have been fabricated using thermally evaporated films of the oligophenyls p -quaterphenyl ( p -4P), p -quinquephenyl ( p -5P), and p -sexiphenyl ( p -6P). The field-effect mobility of these TFTs ranges from 10 −2 cm 2 /V s for p -4P to 10 −1 cm 2 /V s for p -6P with on/off current ratio from 10 5 to 10 6 . These values are comparable to those achieved using the more widely studied organic semiconductors alpha-sexithienyl (α-6T) and pentacene. X-ray diffraction reveals a high degree of molecular ordering, believed to be important for obtaining high field-effect mobility in organic TFTs.