An Experimental Study of Ammonium Perchlorate-Binder Sandwich Combustion in Standard and High Acceleration Environments

An experimental investigation of ammonium perchlorate (AP)-binder (PBAA) sandwich combustion was made in standard and high acceleration environments. An optically equipped combustion bomb mounted on a centrifuge and a standard combustion bomb were used in the investigation. High speed color motion pictures and schlieren were taken during the combustion process. Principal results were: binder thickness as little effect upon regression rate; sandwich combustion is acceleration sensitive and results in part from binder melt/AP deflagration interaction; below the low pressure deflagration limit (P dt ) of ammonium perchlorate the sandwich combustion process is laminar with combustion continuing for large distances above the binder/AP interface; above the P dt of AP the sandwich combustion process appears to be turbulent and consists of two distinct flame regions.