Some Cross-Section Limits for the Occurrence of the (n,He3) Reaction at 14.5 Mev

The (n, He3) reaction at 14.5±0.9 Mev has been investigated carefully with scintillation spectroscopy and radiochemical techniques. No case of an (n, He3) reaction could be detected at this energy. Upper limits were set on the (n, He3) cross section for the following target nuclides: Mg26(3.0), Al27(0.70), P31(0.25), K41(2.5), V51(0.33), Mn55(0.42), Co59(0.10), Cu63(0.08), As75(0.51), Zr94(0.4), Rh103(0.09), and Cs133(0.15), where the value in parentheses is the upper limit in millibarns. One case of the (n, nα) reaction was detected at this energy, on Cu65 with a cross section of a few millibarns.