The current version of PLMItRNA has been realized to constitute a database for tRNA molecules and genes identified in the mitochondria of all green plants ( Viridiplantae ). It is the enlargement of a previous database originally restricted to seed plants [Ceci,L.R., Volpicella,M., Liuni,S., Volpetti,V., Licciulli,F. and Gallerani,R. (1999) Nucleic Acids Res., 27, 156-157]. PLMItRNA reports information and multialignments on 254 genes and 16 tRNA molecules detected in 25 higher plants (one bryophyta and 24 vascular plants) and seven green algae. PLMItRNA is accessible via the WWW at http://bio-WWW.ba.cnr.it:8000/srs6/