Surprising Sun

Important revisions of the solar model ingredients appear after 35 years of intense work which have led to an excellent agreement between solar models and solar neutrino detections. We first show that the updated CNO composition suppresses the anomalous position of the Sun in the known galactic enrichment. The following law: He/H= 0.075 + 44.6 O/H in fraction number is now compatible with all the indicators. We then examine the existing discrepancies between the standard model and solar - seismic and neutrino - observations and suggest some directions of investigation to solve them. We update our predicted neutrino fluxes using the recent composition, new nuclear reaction rates and seismic models as the most representative of the central plasma properties. We get 5.31 +- 0.6 10^6/cm^{2}/s for the total ^8B neutrinos, 66.5 SNU and 2.76 SNU for the gallium and chlorine detectors, all in remarquable agreement with the detected values including neutrino oscillations for the last two. We conclude that the acoustic modes and detected neutrinos see the same Sun, but that clear discrepancies in solar modelling encourage further observational and theoretical efforts.

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